Waveform Sequencing with PathWave BenchVue Waveform Builder Pro



Arbitrary waveform design and use have had limited flexibility until recently. If you wanted to change a waveform, you had to generate a new signal. While you might have been able to change one or two points by hand, changing large parts of the waveform required a redesign. Keysight PathWave BenchVue Waveform Builder Pro gives you access to advanced signal-creation and editing capabilities, without spending hours programming. The result is quicker and easier custom waveform creation combined with deeper analytical insight into your signals. 

Waveform sequencing lets you create multiple configured waveforms with several common segments. Sequencing lets you build long, complex waveforms using minimal instrument memory. With waveform sequencing, you can save memory by replaying different shorter waveforms at various locations in your signal as needed.

Engineers looking to optimize their workflow can use waveform sequencing to generate arbitrary signals. They can organize the signals into a sequence to make new signals.