TimeKeeper Server by FSM Labs


TimeKeeper Server Clock Sync Software


TimeKeeper Server a software grandmaster that can act as a boundary clock or stratum server while providing real-time monitoring and alerting, fault-tolerance, and clock distribution analysis. TimeKeeper Server receives any time source (GNSS, IRIG, CDMA, NTP, PTP, and others) and serves multiple NTP/PTP feeds over the network. TimeKeeper Server monitors the entire network time sync, visualizes the global network time sync topology, analyzes performance, and archives auditable records. TimeKeeper Server runs on Linux, Windows, and Solaris application servers and virtual machines, seamlessly upgrades legacy NTP infrastructure with leading-edge NTP/PTP precision at the lowest TCO, and automatically exploits available hardware-assisted timestamping for enhanced time precision. TimeKeeper Server performance exceeds many regulatory requirements, such as MiFID II, RTS-25, FINRA, CAT, PSD2, and UTC traceability.




•Lowest cost to upgrade legacy NTP infrastructure with high-precision NTP/PTP clock sync solution

•Secure, trusted, UTCtraceable enterprise clock sync 

•Monitoring with automatic failover and alerting for highreliability clock sync

•Lowest TCO across multiple Linux, Windows, and Solaris servers 

•Scalable in the cloud, on servers, and on VMs, without affecting clock sync




•Uses patented machine learning technology to transform any server into a high-precision time server appliance 

•Provides TimeMonitor™ tool to monitor the performance of the entire enterprise clock sync

•Displays Global TimeMap™ of the enterprise clock sync chain topology as a planning and management tool

•Provides clock sync performance analytics and archives audit records

•Comes with an intuitive web management dashboard for configuration, monitoring, performance analytics, UTC traceability, alerts, audit logs, admin, and more


How TimeKeeper Server Works


TimeKeeper Server integrates the machine learning based TimeKeeper Client product and these innovative, scalable features for resilient, reliable, and UTCtraceable enterprise clock sync:


MultiSource for Security and Accuracy


This feature receives multiple NTP/PTP feeds over the network, accepts a 1PPS signal or uses a bus-level GNSS device, and serves multiple NTP/PTP feeds with a near infinite mix of NTP/PTP profiles. TimeKeeper Server can be configured as a boundary clock as well, receiving and serving multiple NTP/PTP feeds


Global TimeMap


This powerful planning tool visually displays the global enterprise-wide clock sync network topology of multivendor clients and time servers, as well as TimeKeeper Client and the TimeKeeper Server. Critical UTC-traceable direct and indirect paths of primary reference time sources, such as GNSS, terrestrial TaaS (Time-as-a-Service) feeds, IRIG, CDMA, and any other source that serves time, are tracked and displayed in real time. Users can view or diagnose the time source profile of each TimeMap node (IP hostname, MAC, accuracy, and more).