The Essential Guide to GaN Semiconductor Device Modeling


Powering the Future of Semiconductors


Silicon has long been synonymous with the semiconductor world. As silicon approaches its theoretical limits, research into alternative materials has catalyzed the quest for more compact and energy-efficient devices. With a $21 billion market in 2023, gallium nitride (GaN) is heralding a new age for semiconductor innovations.


GaN has made significant headway across diverse applications in the past few years, phasing out silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs).


The three areas experiencing the fastest growth are:


Consumer electronics: GaN makes it possible to charge a smartphone in minutes or reduce power losses in power converters by up to 90% due to its excellent performance at high temperatures and voltages. According to the Yole Développement group, the consumer sector of the GaN device market will surge to over $916 million at a 52% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) by 2027.