Taps FAQs


Fiber Taps FAQs


Q: What type of MTP connectors are used to connect to Ixia Flex taps?


A: The Flex taps have 'male' or 'pinned' MTP connectors, so Female 'non-pinned' MTP connectors must be used to mate with Ixia Flex taps. See also the answer to "What MTP cable type polarity is required for Multi-Mode SR10 or SR4 Flex Taps?" later in the FAQ. 


Q: Do I need to buy Y cables for MTP Flex Taps?


A: No. The MTP based taps include Y cables. The SR4 based taps include a Y cable with 8 fibers (4 on each leg) and is suitable for SR4 (eg. QSFP+ and QSFP28 transceivers) deployments. The SR10 based taps include a Y cable with 24 fibers (12 on each leg) and is suitable for SR10 deployments (eg. CFP transceivers).


Q: Can I "mix and match" Standard and Flex Tap VHD modules within the same chassis?


A: Yes. A standard Flex Tap module takes up 1/24th of the standard Rack Mount Chassis (RK-FLEX-24). The Flex Tap VHD takes up 1/12th of the chassis. However, there are internal dividers within the chassis which divide the chassis into '12 bays'. Each bay can take two standard modules or a single VHD module. If only a single standard module is deployed, a "spacer' module can be used to occupy the unused space in a bay. You can mix and match Standard modules, VHD modules and Spacer units to occupy the full chassis. Using the VHD Modules (each of which has 3 taps) gives a maximum density of 36 1/10G LC based taps in a single 19in 1U rack.


Q: Can the smaller Mini Chassis be mounted on the left and right hand side of a 19in rack?


A: Yes. Simply rotate the unit rack unit through 180 degrees to mount on the opposite side of a 19in cabinet. The Mini Chassis will hold up to 8 standard Flex Tap modules or 4 VHD modules. As a VHD module holds 3 individual taps you can fit 12 taps in this space. 


Q: Can I use a standard Flex Tap module to tap a Cisco 40G BiDi link?


A: No. A standard Tap cannot properly pass the light traveling in opposing directions. It is necessary to use a Ixia’s BiDI Flex Tap modules. 


Q: Do I need a Y-Cable for the monitor ports on the Flex Tap BiDi?


A: No, because the transceiver(s) have receive capability on each simplex LC connector, you need only use a duplex LC multimode cable.


Q: How do you connect a 100G MM tap to a 100G MM interface on an Ixia NPB?


A: To connect the two devices, you must use a Y-Cable that is supplied with each Flex Tap and plug the feeds into two separate 100G transceivers. The single end of the cable plugs into the monitor port on the Flex Tap.