SL1550A EV - EVSE Charging Communication Interface Tester


Perform Component-level Testing for EV/EVSE Communication Controllers


The Keysight EV - EVSE Charging Communication Interface Tester (Com Tester) is a fully integrated test adapter for electric vehicle communication controllers (EVCC) or supply equipment communication controllers (SECC) according to the Combined Charging System (CCS). The Com Tester supports the following modes depending on the chosen software options:


• AC Mode 3 with or without digital communication via Homeplug GreenPHY PLC (ISO 15118) or 

• DC Mode 4 with digital communication via Homeplug GreenPHY PLC (DIN 70121 or ISO 15118)


The Com Tester is tailored towards charging communication and protocol testing purposes enabling EVCC and SECC emulation or test case execution for good case or error case test campaigns (e.g. conformance tests). It provides a Homeplug GreenPHY MAC/PHY according to DIN SPEC 70121:2014 and ISO/ IS 15118-3:2015 as well as control pilot (CP) circuitry according to IEC 61851-1:2017 Ed 3. Accordingly, it provides physical interfaces to connect to a system under test (SUT) via control pilot (CP) lines, proximity pilot (PP) lines, and protective earth (PE).


Use Cases


Perform the following four main use cases covered by the Keysight Com Tester:


Use case 1: Development testing for EVCC or SECC


Emulate an SECC and run tests against a SUT of type EVCC with the Com Tester.


In combination with the Smart Charging Emulation Software (SCE), the test scope is tailored towards individual and configurable test sequences tailored towards the development stage. In many cases, the focus is on functional tests where a good case emulation run of an SECC / EVCC is required to stimulate the EVCC / SECC under test for development-driven validation purposes.


Use case 2: Type approval testing for EVCC or SECC


Perform type approval tests of the EVCC or SECC with the Com Tester. In this particular use case, the EVCC or SECC under test is validated against the complete set of test cases with reference to the corresponding conformance test case specifications (e.g. DIN 70122, ISO 15118-4/-5, etc.). This setup is applicable for vendors preparing type approval tests for their customers or for certification bodies.


Use case 3: Manufacturing testing for EVCC or SECC


Perform manufacturing tests of an EVCC / SECC component with the Com Tester. In this test stage, particular scenario-driven tests for End-of-Line (EoL) tests are performed to validate whether the component satisfies the specifications and characteristics according to the type approval sheet. This use case is most relevant for manufacturing companies of an EVCC or SECC for validating signaling and the general functionality of the EVCC / SECC under test.


Use case 4: Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) testing


An advanced testing scenario is HiL testing, where the Com Tester is embedded into a larger test environment composed of the EVCC / SECC under test in combination with other test components that either automate the charging test environment through an external test control interface or stimulate the SUT to enlarge the scope of the component test towards integration tests in a fully automated test environment.