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SL106XX 系列 Scienlab 量測與控制模組
SL106XX 量測與控制模組系列新登場
Scienlab SL106XX 系列可用於支援各種不同的測試、量測與控制任務。 如有需要,您可根據您的量測任務和範圍配置產品組合。
它們是執行艱鉅量測任務的理想選擇,即使在惡劣環境(例如氣候試驗室)中也是如此。 這些高品質模組堅固耐用,提供簡單直覺的操作方式。
- 準確、可重現,以及時間同步的量測資料記錄
- 完全電氣絕緣的量測通道,通道間的絕緣值高達 1,000 V
- 透過開放的乙太網路介面進行連接;Scienlab 儲能設備檢測(ESD)軟體提供自動檢測
- 提供不同量測模組類型的組合
SL106XX 系列具有電壓類比量測輸入模組、溫度感測器,以及用於記錄和切換數位信號的數位 I/O 模組。
- 它的通訊介面可用於整合各種 Fieldbus 系統,如 CAN、FlexRay 或 XCP
- 其量測與控制模組(MCM)終端控制功能,可為 Scienlab 電池管理系統(BMS)和待測裝置(DUT)電源供應器提供可調整的電壓輸出、浮動繼電器接點,以模擬端子 15、30 等
- 可輕鬆整合至 Scienlab 儲能設備檢測(ESD)或客戶軟體中

可與 Scienlab 儲能設備檢測(ESD)軟體或客戶軟體搭配使用
高達 1,000 V 的安全工作條件
The Measurement & Control Module SL1060A is a mobile measurement module for measuring voltage input ±10 V with 16 channels. The module can be used either as a stand-alone device or as extension for a Scienlab Battery Test System.
The Measurement & Control Module SL1062A is portable temperature measuring module for record thermocouple - temperature sensors of type K for a temperature range of -100 to +1300 °C and with 16 channels. The module can be used either as a stand-alone device or as extension for a Scienlab Battery Test System.
The Measurement & Control Module SL1063B is a rack-mount measuring and control module for measuring and switching of digital signals with 16 digital in-/output channels. The module can be used either as a stand-alone device or as extension for a Scienlab Battery Test System.
The Measurement and Control Module SL1064B is a rack-mount gateway for CAN- and LIN-buses with up to 6 channels. It can be used as a configurable communication interface between Scienlab Battery Test Systems and devices under test (especially their BMS) as well as additional components using CAN communication.
The Scienlab Measurement & Control Module SL1065B – Analog Input is a rack-mount measuring and control module for measuring voltages and currents (e.g. single cell voltages in battery modules or packs). It features fully galvanically isolated measurement inputs and records all measured values synchronously and with common time stamps by Precision Time Protocol (PTP).
The Measurement and Control Module SL1066B is a rack-mount measuring and control module that provides adjustable voltage outputs for BMS and DUT power supply and floating relay contacts to simulate e.g. vehicle specific terminals 15, 30 and 31.
The Measurement & Control Module SL1067B is a rack-mount measurement module for measuring voltage input ±10 V with 16 channels. The module can be used either as a stand-alone device or as extension for a Scienlab Battery Test System.
The Measurement & Control Module SL1068B is a rack-mount measurement module which provides voltage outputs for analog signaling – useful e.g. for the emulation of temperature sensors or the controlling of regulation vents with voltage input with 8 channels. The module can be used either as a stand-alone device or as extension for a Scienlab Battery Test System.
擴充 Scienlab 量測與控制模組功能