Innovate Technology Advances in Communications Networks
Innovation is happening everywhere, driven by our insatiable demand for data.
Big changes across multiple systems are coming to the wireless communication industry. Satellite networks launched in space enable high-speed communications from anywhere around the globe. The 6 GHz Wi-Fi band increases peak throughput via 1.2 GHz of accessible and unlicensed spectrum. Advanced radar technologies support high-resolution and high-frequency applications for safety and defense.
Achieving faster communications speeds requires more spectrum, higher frequencies, wider bandwidths, complex modulations, and multiple-input / multiple output. The use of highly directional signals helps overcome path loss associated with higher-frequency spectrum.
Keysight offers a wide range of instruments to help you generate a variety of stimuli to effectively test your device. Select the signal generator and measurement software that unleashes your insight, experience, and creativity while meeting your design objectives.
Generate True Performance for RF Receiver or Component Test
As you evaluate your device’s behavior, you can take many paths. Whether you’re evaluating a radio-frequency (RF) receiver’s performance or characterizing RF components, Keysight signal generators produce the variety of signals you need — from simple to complex, clean to dirty — to test your design within and beyond its limits.
RF receiver test
RF receiver tests quantify a receiver’s performance in the presence of degradations on the path between transmitter and receiver. An RF receiver needs to handle various test scenarios.
• minimum or maximum input level
• interfering, blocking, intermodulation, and fading
• radiated or conducted tests
Whether you are working on a single radio format or integrating multiple formats into a wireless device, easy access to the right test signals streamlines validation and helps ensure interoperability. Accelerate your work with Keysight PathWave Signal Generation software, a flexible suite of signalcreation tools that reduces the time you spend on signal simulation.
RF component characterization with a signal generator and signal analyzer
To fully characterize your RF components, you need to know the power characteristics of the simulated input signal and the measured output signal. Stimulus-response tests, such as complementary cumulative distribution function, harmonics, thirdorder modulation, adjacent channel power, and error vector magnitude (EVM), help you understand the performance of RF components under different conditions to determine the best trade-offs in your design. Keysight signal generators and analyzers offer the following:
• performance for characterizing your designs
• wide bandwidths for stimulating and acquiring the most demanding applications
• a variety of measurement applications that simplify the creation and analysis of the signals for characterization testing of RF components
Produce the Signals You Need with Our Wide Selection of Signal Generators
You create test systems for a specific technology, application, or product development phase, such as research, validation, verification, or manufacturing. Some test systems, such as those for smartphones, tablets, and other consumer products, need to be fast, low cost, and easy to configure and update. Others, such as satellite payload test, cost several million dollars to manufacture, are complex, and must provide high-quality measurements to ensure functionality, accuracy, and repeatability of the payload while in orbit. We provide a wide range of instruments that generate the signals you need.