The Most Accurate Way to Test Energy Storages

Scienlab test systems from Keysight comprehensively and reliably test battery cells, modules, packs and battery management systems (BMS) for e-mobility, mobile, industrial, and stationary use. Keysight’s test systems with the Scienlab Energy Storage Discover (ESD) software helps you run customized performance, function, aging, and environmental tests. ESD includes standards compliance and conformance tests (e.g., ISO, DIN EN, and SAE).

Keysight Battery Cell Test Laboratory


Keysight offers innovative and flexible Scienlab solutions for a variety of test requirements.

  • Regeneration capabilities that ensure first-class energy- and cost-efficiency
  • Constant measurement precision using the module as a cell test system
  • Impedance spectroscopy in every channel
  • Synchronized recording of measurement data
  • Precise measuring technology for reproducible results
  • Modular concept for a flexible layout of the test environment

Drive the Future of E-Mobility

Accelerate the development and validation of batteries with Keysight’s Scienlab Battery Test Solutions. From cell chemistry to battery pack Keysight’s holistic approach is your key to success:

Streamline Your Battery Test Lab Management

Explore how Keysight’s PathWave Lab Operations Software for Battery Test helps you modernize your test workflows, eliminating legacy paper-based processes, and increasing data integrity and traceability. The integrated, web-based platform provides a 360-degree view of your lab—assets, software, test plans, results, reports—at virtually any time and place along your R&D workflow. Choose the suite and modules that meet your test requirements, or add modules later, giving you complete flexibility and cost-effectiveness.

SL113XA Scienlab Automotive EV Battery Test System

Battery Cell Test Revolution

Deliver your innovations faster and better with our high performance technology for testing battery cells with a minimal footprint with Scienlab's Combined Battery Test Solution (CBTS). The combination of battery test system and climatic chamber enables you to make the most out of your available test space capacity.

Benefit from the many advantages of the CBTS

  • Flexible DUT holder offers the possibility to use different cell types
  • Measurement accuracy through defined contacting
  • Time efficiency with rapid commissioning
  • Minimal footprint saves up to 40% space compared to separated test solutions

Keysight Investigates Re-Use/Repurpose of Automotive Batteries

Keysight has received a grant from the European Union and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MWIKE.NRW) to investigate the reuse of used automotive batteries from May 2024 to May 2027.

Innovative testing methods and classification strategies will ensure that used batteries from electric vehicles provide sufficient performance and safety for residential and industrial energy storage applications. The project is executed in collaboration with Second Life Batteries GmbH (consortium leader), BLC – The Battery Lifecycle Company GmbH, and Bergische Universität Wuppertal. It includes developing and validating battery management systems (BMS), analyzing the market, and testing battery storage systems in real-life scenarios. The aim is to extend the service life of the batteries and make a valuable contribution to reducing CO₂ emissions.

Re-Use Automotive Batteries Project


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Extend Your Capabilities With The Right Tools

Technology is constantly changing. So too are the requirements engineers face. Get more functionality out of your existing hardware today by complementing it with the right accessories to improve productivity and the right Keysight PathWave design and test automation software to accelerate your product development.

Featured Resources

白皮書 2022.05.16



在環保概念的驅策下,汽車產業開始逐步淘汰透過石油傳動的內燃機(ICE)引擎,並轉而開發使用純淨能源的電動車(EV)。這個風潮預料將帶來金額大量的技術投資,以便將電動車推向主流市場。到 2035 年,各國政府將立法淘汰或限制 ICE 汽車的生產,使得電動車生態系統的需求大幅上升。如此一來,業界將迫切需要更有效的 EV 電池系統測試方法。電池是帶動電動車市場需求成長的核心要件,也是實現環保電子化運輸系統願景必備的子系統。為此,業者需以快速、經濟有效又節能的流程,來開發耐用性、功率密度和操作安全性都更高的 EV 電池。效能測試是實現出色 EV 電池設計的一個重要環節。此關鍵流程包含設計、生產和系統整合等階段,確保所有公開問市的 EV 電池,都具備最高品質、安全性和操作性能。如未採用最新的系統和方法,EV 電池測試成本將非常高昂,而且整個流程極為耗時。藉由在設計過程中,搭配使用最佳實作和最先進 EV 電池技術,您可快速輕鬆地克服電動車電池設計挑戰。請即下載白皮書,深入探討部署端對端 EV 電池測試系統的重要性。文中還深入探討投資於尖端 EV 電池技術,如何讓業者全面提升 EV 電池設計的品質和效能,並使得電池設計工程師能夠在不影響續航里程數、功率密度和安全性的情況下,滿足市場驅動因素。




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