購買 CX3300 汽車應用套件即享 15% 優惠折扣
The current web page context is a promotional document for the Keysight CX3300 Series Current Waveform Analyzer, which is an instrument that helps with device development for automotive tests under high-temperature conditions. The document highlights the challenges of automotive device development, such as ensuring reliability and performance, and how the CX3300 can help with accurate characterization and efficient debugging of the vehicle's semiconductor devices. The document also showcases some features of the CX3300, such as ultra-low noise measurement, long-duration measurement, waveform classification, and detailed waveform analysis. The document offers a 15% bundle discount for automotive applications when ordering the CX3324A (4 Channel Mainframe) with certain options and sensors/adapters. The document provides several links to learn more about the CX3300, such as case studies, application notes, YouTube videos, and contact information. The document can be found at www.keysight.com/find/cx3300-promo.