Military Radios Model Library


The Keysight Technologies suite of model libraries provide a large number of reusable models for network devices, protocols from all layers of the protocol stack, applications, and the communication environment. These models make it possible to easily create scenarios that can be used in the design and analysis of a large variety of communication networks and can be used with the QualNet and EXata simulation/emulation tools and with the Network Defense Trainer.


QualNet/EXata scenarios can also be used in a federated environment using the High Level Architecture (HLA), Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS), or IP sockets to run  co-operative simulations with other simulators to provide more realistic and meaningful results.


The Keysight Technologies Military Radios Model Library  Consists of the Following Models:




Compact Terrain Database (CTDB) interface 


FCSC radio prototype

FCSC radio prototype

Link 11 protocol

MAC layer

Link 16 protocol

MAC layer

Multi-Generator (MGEN) toolset


Multi-purpose traffic generator


Threaded application



Link 16 


Link 16 is a frequency-hopping, jam-resistant, high-capacity tactical data link used by the United States Navy, the Joint Services, and the armed forces of some nations in NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). Link 16 operates on the principle of Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), where 128 time slots per second are allocated among participating Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS) units. Time slots are organized into multiple functional Network Participating Groups (NPGs). Link 16 provides improved security; increased data rate (throughput); increased amounts/granularity of information exchange; reduced data terminal size, which allows installation in fighter and attack aircraft; digitized, jam-resistant, secure voice capability; relative navigation; and precise participant location and identification and increased numbers of participants.


Implemented features:


  • Link 1z6/IP Gateway: a Link-16/IP gateway functions as an application layer proxy to connect Link-16 networks to IP networks
  • Detailed TDMA settings, including slot/frame timing and slot assignment
  • Single frequency transmission mode
  • Range extension via relay
  • Link 16 data word structure: initial word, extension word
  • RS and CCK encoding
  • Link 16 data packing structure: standard Double Pulse (DP), Packed-2 Single Pulse (P2SP), Packed-2 Double Pulse (P2DP), Packed-4 SP


Link 11


TADIL-A/Link 11 is a half-duplex, netted, secure TADIL radio link for exchange of digital information among airborne, land-based, and ship-board tactical data systems. It is the primary means for exchanging data such as radar tracking information beyond line of sight. Link 11 can be used in either High Frequency (HF) or Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) bands. It provides gapless, omnidirectional coverage of up to 300 nautical miles in the HF band and approximately 25 nautical miles (ship-to-ship) or 150 nautical miles (ship-to-air) in the VHF band.  


Link 11 is a centralized MAC protocol and relies on a single platform to report positional information on sensor detections. This positional information can be amplified with additional data to qualify the identity of the detected track. The set of nodes participating in a network, also known as Picket Units (PUs) operate with a centralized controller, called the Network Control Station (NCS). The NCS uses a polling (roll call) mechanism to gather information from the PUs, generates reports, and broadcasts the reports to the PUs.


The primary goal of the Link 11 model is to accurately implement the roll call mechanism and also accurately replicate the header additions and the control packet exchanges in the Link 11 protocol.


Implemented features:


  • Identification of network participants or Picket Units (PUs)
  • Identification of network control stations (NCSs)
  • Roll call mode of operation
  • Support for user configurable data rates