MATLAB Software for Your Infiniium or InfiniiVision Oscilloscope


With today’s increasingly complex signals, the standard analysis routines that come with your oscilloscope are sometimes not enough. Now, Keysight Technologies, Inc. has joined forces with The MathWorks to offer powerful MATLAB software options that can be ordered right with your new InfiniiVision or Infiniium oscilloscope. These options give you advanced math and analysis options and allow you to create your own math functions and filters to meet your specific needs. 

MATLAB extends the functionality of Keysight oscilloscopes by enabling you to analyze and visualize your data, execute and test various filters/equalization methods/transfer functions, and develop automated tests. With these capabilities, you can: 

  • Test the functionality of electronic devices by making measurements with Keysight instruments and comparing them against known baselines in MATLAB 
  • Capture waveforms using a Keysight oscilloscope controlled through the Instrument Control Toolbox and then manipulate or analyze the waveforms within MATLAB 
  • Send MATLAB processed waveforms (either captured using an oscilloscope or derived mathematically) to a Keysight waveform/signal generator 
  • Verify new algorithms or measurement routines using live data from Keysight instruments


