IOT0047A Regulatory Test Solution


Deliver the Win-Win in IoT


The race to launch IoT chipsets, modules and devices is pushing test labs to the limit. That is why Keysight created the IOT0047A regulatory test solution as to accelerate the certification of unlicensed wireless devices in a flexible and efficient way.


Before, during and after compliance testing—full or partial—the IOT0047A gives you multiple ways to cover more tests for more standards in less time. With faster throughput for you and quicker time-tomarket for your clients, Keysight helps you deliver the win-win in IoT.


Flexible and Scalable Platform For 2.4 GHz,  5 GHz, and 6 GHz Regulatory Testing


Regulatory test is complex, time consuming and costly. It directly impacts project schedule and time to market for new products. Hence, regulatory testing needs to be carefully planned into the project schedule. 


The Keysight IOT0047A wireless IoT device regulatory test solution makes 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz unlicensed bands wireless device testing easy and efficient. Be confident with Keysight’s laboratory grade RF instruments. The solution:


• Covers the latest test cases of ETSI EN 300 328, EN 301 893, EN 303 687, FCC Part 15.247, and FCC 15.407 (inclusive KDB987594 for U-NII 6GHz), KC KS-X-3123 2022, MIC 特定無線設備の技術基準適合証明等に関する規則_第2条第1項第 19/19-3/79/80, SRRC 工信部无〔2021〕129号《工业和信息化部关于加强和规范2400 MHz、5100 MHz和5800 MHz频段无线电管理有关事宜的通知 and DFS with dedicated test software.

• Scalable test system to cover wide arrays of IoT device types: Frequency hopping, adaptivity, MIMO up to eight channels and supports common radio formats (WLAN, Bluetooth®, ZigBee® etc.).

• Simplifies test automation and improves speed with signaling test method using companion device.

• Expand your test system - purchase what you need now and add more capabilities later for better capital planning with its flexible platform.

• Reduces test complexity with readily available software which automates the regulatory testing and report generation


Test Cases: Keysight XA5001A ETSI Regulatory Test Software


This version of the system software addresses the latest versions of the ETSI EN 300 328, EN 301 893 and EN 303 687 (V1.0.0) test cases:


XA5001A test software supports ETSI EN 300 328 V2.2.2, EN 301 893 V2.1.1 and EN 303 687 (V1.0.0)