IOT0047A – Regulatory Test Solution for Unlicensed IoT Devices


Deliver the Win-Win in IoT


The race to launch IoT chipsets, modules and devices is pushing test labs to the limit. That is why Keysight created the IOT0047A regulatory test solution as to accelerate the certification of unlicensed wireless devices in a flexible and efficient way.


Before, during and after compliance testing—full or partial—the IOT0047A gives you multiple ways to cover more tests for more standards in less time. With faster throughput for you and quicker time-to-market for your clients, Keysight helps you deliver the win-win in IoT. 


Cover More Tests for More Standards in Less Time


The IOT0047A regulatory test solution lets you validate wireless devices across a growing range of major standards. For example, you can thoroughly evaluate devices that use the unlicensed ISM bands at 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz and beyond 6 GHz. Currently, the supported standards are ETSI EN 300 328, ETSI EN 301 893, ETSI EN 303 687 (Draft), FCC Part 15.247, and FCC Part 15.407.


Working in concert, system hardware and software cover nonsignaling and signaling test cases, including adaptivity, receiver blocking and dynamic frequency selection (DFS). In addition, the signaling test is made more efficient with the ability to control companion devices that establish radio links to the device under test (DUT).


Test with confidence


Our world-class, metrology-grade instruments ensure excellent results. In addition, purpose-built software for test automation simplifies and accelerates your workflow. From testing to post-test analysis, and for debugging and consulting, the IOT0047A helps you deliver accurate, repeatable results.


Enhance Your Lab’s Test Capabilities and Throughput


Through flexible, scalable configuration and reconfiguration, the IOT0047A lets you easily divide the full system into separate test stations that can be used in parallel to address different standards and test cases. Whether you need to increase lab throughput or respond to an urgent request, you are better able to satisfy client needs within an otherwise full schedule of testing commitments.


Create Better Ways to Cover More Tests in Less Time


The IOT0047A has an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) that lets you quickly create test plans and configure all test parameters. This makes it easy to incorporate a variety of test conditions into a single test plan. You can also utilize predefined tests that can be easily configured or modified. 


When it is time to test a device, the system software lets you select, set up, and perform the required test cases based on the standard and device type (such as FHSS or non-FHSS). If a device fails only one or two tests, you can save time by running or rerunning only the tests of interest.


No matter which standard, device type or test conditions you need to run, the IOT0047A helps you ensure accurate and reproducible results. Once a test is underway, the solution’s automation capabilities require minimal user interaction. Ultimately, the IOT0047A enables you to test more devices in less time, freeing you up to offer more value-added consulting to your clients.


The system software also simplifies communication. You can generate comprehensive test reports in standard or customized formats. Easy-to-read graphs and tables help you and your clients quickly understand and interpret test results (Figure 1 and 2). To streamline data sharing, you can export results in a variety of supported formats: PDF, RTF, .xls, and comma-separated variables (.csv).