The Wi-Fi 6E Challenge in Regulatory Test


What Is Wireless Regulatory Compliance Test?

The industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) bands do not require individual enduser licenses. However, this does not mean that there are no rules for use of these radio frequencies. The devices require testing to demonstrate compliance with regulatory standards and ensure efficient use of the wireless spectrum. Regulatory agencies, including the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the US, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), and Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, govern the regulatory standards. Increased spectrum use adds to test complexity In the past, regulatory requirements included basic tests such as frequency stability, power limits, and purity of emissions. Regulatory test requirements have become more complex in recent years because of the heavy use of the spectrum, which results in interference. It is difficult for devices using various on-air protocols to cooperate. ETSI in Europe defined new test methods requiring devices to sense several forms of radio-frequency (RF) energy and avoid transmission while those signals are active. After the signals have ceased, wireless devices must follow semi-random delays so that the devices can take turns transmitting. ETSI named this channel-sharing mechanism channel access engine, also known as the adaptivity test.