Cyber threats against public utilities and other critical infrastructure are now just as common as attacks on governmental and corporate computing environments. But, instead of simply losing sensitive data, malicious attacks against power generation and distribution systems, water treatment plants, and transportation facilities can disrupt commerce and daily life across a wide area.
There is a pressing need for operators to determine how resilient their communications fabric is to cyber attacks and to develop plans to mitigate the associated risks.
Keysight Technologies’ high-fidelity network emulation is used to simulate and predict the behavior of networked environments based on various operational scenarios, including cyber attacks. The emulation runs in real time and models connections, computers, protocols, firewalls, and other defenses.
Keysight Technologies has developed a high-fidelity network emulator, EXata Network Modeling, to simulate the underlying communication fabric of electrical grids and to test the cyber resilience of such systems. EXata Network Modeling is integrated with OPAL-RT’s HYPERSIM simulator on the same hardware (or box) to offer a complete real-time cyber-physical solution for the development, testing, and assessment of electrical grids with communication networks.
Benefits of EXata Network Modeling
Some benefits of EXata Network Modeling include:
Communication Protocols Supported by EXata Network Modeling
EXata Network Modeling communicates with HYPERSIM via these protocols:
Types of Attacks and Defenses
EXata Network Modeling can model several types of attacks. The most important attacks that impact power systems are:
- Bogus input data, such as modified sensor data. Can lead to erroneous decisions by the controllers.
- Bogus output data, such as manipulated or misleading data sent to controllers. Can lead to unintended or incorrect actions.
- Disrupt time synchronization by delaying delivery. Can lead to instability in the physical system.