Bundle Your Bundles


Why Bundle?


Bringing the full benefits of technology innovations from the lab to the field can be challenging. As a test and measurement vendor, Keysight strives to provide customers with the measurement solutions best fitting their needs in both development and deployment. Speed up your decision-making with a bundle that meets all your needs.


FieldFox handheld analyzer bundles


Born in the lab and raised in the field, the FieldFox handheld analyzer handles everything from design verification to field installation and maintenance. Keysight offers preconfigured FieldFox handheld analyzers (N99xxB) bundles focusing on aerospace and defense (A / D) applications, wireless communications, and general purposes.


FieldFox for Aerospace and Defense


• The world’s most integrated handheld analyzer offering 25+ license-key activated applications

• MIL-spec grade ruggedness to withstand the toughest working conditions

• Benchtop accuracy available in the lab or field


FieldFox for Wireless Communications

• User-friendly one-button touch enabling power and modulation analysis

• Wide real-time bandwidth analysis up to 120 MHz

• High-frequency coverage up to the 54 GHz required for 5G NR (new radio)

• Over-the-air (OTA) analysis eliminates the need for connecting fixtures on the device-under-test (DUT) when testing 5G NR signals


FieldFox For General Purpose


• “One-box-fit-all” with vector network analysis, spectrum analysis, installation qualifications (IQ) analysis, real-time spectrum analyzer, noise figure, and more

• All options are software upgradeable

• Benchtop grade performance into a rugged design


PXA signal analyzer bundles & PSG signal generator bundles


Keysight also offers preconfigured hardware bundles on its high-performance signal analyzers (N9030B PXA) and signal generators (E8527D and E8627D PSG). Quickly find and measure dynamic signals with the PXA. Accelerate innovation in your 5G FR1 and FR2, WiFi 6 and WiFi 7, and radar applications. Gain metrology-grade performance in radar applications with the PSG. With these bundles, meet your most stringent requirements without sacrificing your budget.


Bundle Your Bundles (BYB) and complete your solution!


Take advantage of savings from PXA or PSG hardware bundles and FieldFox application-focused bundles for signal analysis, signal generation, and vector network analysis. These optimized bundles save you time and money and let you quickly configure your Keysight test equipment to its full potential. Bundle today; get the right solutions for a fraction of the price