BreakingPoint QuickTest

BreakingPoint QuickTest 應用與安全測試


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  • 簡化的操作介面,只需點擊 2 到 3 次,即可執行複雜的測試案例
  • 自我穩定的目標搜尋演算法,可評估各種基礎設施的效能和安全性
  • 持續更新的套件,確保您能根據網路最新狀況進行評估
  • 預先建立基於問題的測試方法,涵蓋最佳效能和安全情境
  • 由專家對每次測試進行事後分析,並根據結果提供切實可行的洞察力和建議
  • 可在同一測試平台上同時使用 BreakingPoint 和 BreakingPoint QuickTest



如果能夠正確執行網路安全評估,您可獲得有關網路或設備效能的詳情,從容處理各種複雜的流量,從基本的 Layer 2-3 到網頁流量,再到複雜的混合應用流量,以及隱藏網路威脅的流量。

同樣地,您需結合使用網路安全態勢和規避技術,來準確評估基礎設施是否具備偵測、核准,或是阻擋不同類型攻擊的能力,以便進行深入的安全防禦有效性評估。 此驗證確保您能擁有高效能且安全的網路。



BreakingPoint QuickTest 可根據特定測試類型,提供所需的測試方法,以簡化應用效能和安全有效性的評估。 是德科技隨附(或近期準備推出)的測試套件包括加密效能、NetSecOpen、系統效能、邊界評估和設備安全性等種種測試套件。



BreakingPoint QuickTest 具備尖端 BreakingPoint 所擁有強大功能,讓企業能夠極致提升網路安全測試的速度。


BreakingPoint QuickTest 穩定/校驗演算法可處理各種不同的流量狀況,進而找出最佳的效能/安全性結果


White Papers 2020.05.21

Making Dollar$ and Sense Out of Enterprise Security Testing

Making Dollar$ and Sense Out of Enterprise Security Testing

If your job involves addressing and responding to the security challenges your organization faces, this paper can help you. We’ll explore traditional approaches to assessing security investments, look at the financial benefits of testing, and debunk the excuses that keep IT organizations from validating their security infrastructure and deployment processes. And last but not least, we’ll introduce new solutions and best practices for staying a step ahead of the evolving threat landscape. Ignoring security resilience testing is a “head-in-the-sand” approach that can cost organizations millions, and individuals their jobs. We’ll look at solutions and technologies that can cost-effectively model and apply the realism found in your company’s one-of-a-kind network, right down to your applications and even a single user’s behavior, including both legitimate enterprise users and malicious attackers. Using this approach and economical new techniques, IT managers can quickly evaluate how specific technologies such as NGFWs, or a layered security architecture, will perform and safeguard application performance in their own unique environments. This paper covers: Opportunities for cost-reduction; Selecting optimized and cost-effective security for your network; Right-sizing investments to meet your company’s business AND security needs; Ensuring your network has the high level of security resilience needed to defend against attacks; Readying company personnel for inevitable attacks.

