Product Fact Sheets
Development of Electret-Based Energy Harvesting Devices (Energy Harvesters) Is in Demand
• Energy harvesting system market is expanding rapidly with the acceleration of IoT technologies.
• The electret-based energy harvester is expected to be broadly used in sensor network systems since its simple structure can be easily miniaturized.
Characteristics of Electret-Based Energy Harvesters
• Can maintain charges or polarization stably for long-duration and generate energy from minute vibrations.
• Its impedance is large, typically MΩ or more range.
- Typical voltage probing method cannot evaluate the vibration power generation characteristics accurately since its input impedance is lower than the energy harvesters, that affects the energy harvester’s circuit.
• The generated energy caused by the vibrations is in the range of several tens to several hundreds μW. The resultant current typically fluctuates at a very small nA range.
- Low-level dynamic current measurement approach is required to evaluate the vibration power generation characteristics.
Challenges of Electret-Based Energy Harvesters Development
Challenges |
Requirements |
Issues using conventional instruments |
Power consumption levels are very low since the size reduction of the device leads to lower power generation levels. |
• Accurate low-level dynamic current characterization down to nA to precisely evaluate the electret power generator performance. |
• Oscilloscope with I/V amplifier cannot measure low current at nA level due to large noise and low resolution. • Digital multimeter (DMM) cannot measure the dynamic current waveform precisely due to limited bandwidth and sampling rate. |
Assure high-reliability without anomalies for longduration operation since the energy harvester is expected to be used maintenance-free once installed. |
• Long-duration high sampling measurement without interruptions to capture rare anomalies that can cause device malfunctions such as spike noise. |
• Oscilloscope, DMM, and data logger can miss rare anomalies due to the limitations of memory depth, bandwidth, or sampling rate. |
Shorten time-to-market of the device yet ensure it achieves both low-power consumption and highreliability to early establish competitive advantage in the expanding market early. |
• Powerful data analysis functions to accelerate debugging. ° Quick and easy identification of intermittent anomalies from extensive data collection. ° Long-duration trend analysis of the amount of the electric power generated by vibration. |
• Design validation and debugging are time-consuming. ° Waveform data analysis functions of Oscilloscope, DMM, and data logger are very limited or none. ° Manual identification and analyzing rare anomalies from extensive data is almost impossible. |
The CX3300 Series Waveform Analyzer Helps You with Electret-Based Energy Harvesters Development
You can easily measure low-level dynamic current precisely.
• CX3300A Series waveform analyzer has 200 MHz wide bandwidth, high-resolution / high-speed sampling at 16-bit (75 MSa/s) / 14-bit (1 GSa/s).
• CX1103A low-side current sensor provides low current sensitivity down to 150 pA and maximum 200 MHz wide bandwidth.
You can perform long-duration measurement with a high sampling rate that captures rare anomalies such as spike noise.
• The data logger mode measures up to 100 hours with a maximum of 10 MSa/s.
You can debug quickly by using waveform classification and detailed waveform analysis features.
• The Anomalous Waveform Analytics feature classifies large waveform data exceeding a terabyte to enable the identification of rare anomalies.
• The trend analyzer feature takes an in-depth look into the inflection nt from the entire waveform's visualized statistical trend.