5G 波形產生與分析測試平台,參考解決方案
5G 波形產生與分析測試平台參考解決方案具有高達 2 GHz 的調變頻寬和高達 90 GHz 的頻段,可靈活地評估候選的 5G 波形。
5G Channel Sounding, Reference Solution
靈活地產生和分析候選波形,讓您的測試解決方案能隨著 5G 技術演進而進化。目前 5G 仍處於早期研究階段,如需評估各種頻率和調變頻寬的候選波形,則靈活性是一個關鍵要素。此參考解決方案結合運用是德科技的軟體和硬體,為 5G 波形產生和分析提供一個非常靈活的測試平台。它的軟體能夠靈活地產生和分析候選波形,而硬體則可靈活地支援許多頻段和調變頻寬。藉由使用 2 GHz 調變頻寬可產生客製 IQ、客製 OFDM 和客製 FBMC 波形等候選波形。基礎測試設備配置可支援高達 44 GHz 的頻段,而擴充的毫米波測試設備配置可支援 60-90 GHz 之間的頻段。這個參考解決方案可當作獨立的參考,以協助您除錯和驗證硬體發生的效能問題。
- 靈活地產生和分析候選波形,讓您的測試解決方案能隨著 5G 技術演進而進化
- 可擴充的調變頻寬和頻段
- 支援多種拓撲結構的發射器/接收器測試(IQ、中頻、射頻、微波、毫米波)
- 可當作除錯和驗證硬體效能時的獨立參考
- 射頻調變頻寬達 2 GHz
- 基礎配置覆蓋 100 kHz 至 44 GHz 之間的多個頻段
- 擴充的毫米波配置覆蓋 60 – 90 GHz 之間的多個頻段
- N7608B Signal Studio 客製調變軟體可產生客製的 IQ、OFDM 和 FBMC 波形
- 選配的 W1907BP SystemVue 定義軟體可評估與候選 5G 波形有關的潛在共存問題,以及對 IQ 波形執行向量修正
- 89600 VSA 軟體能夠解調變客製的 IQ 和 OFDM 波形
Web Standard Configurations
This configuration is designed for signal creation with one or two channels, bandwidths up to 2 GHz, and frequency coverage up to 44 GHz for a variety of applications including: creating wanted and interfering signals and creating 2x2 MIMO signals in a single platform. Additionally, a spectrum analyzer enables demodulation of signals up to 1 GHz in BW and traditional swept-tuned analysis of in-band and out-of band spurious emissions with frequency coverage up to 50 GHz.
Note: the spectrum analyzer can also be ordered in models with frequency coverage up to 110 GHz to meet the 3GPP 5G NR 60 GHz spurious emissions requirements in Frequency Range 2 (FR2).
This configuration is designed for creating RF signals between 50 GHz and 110 GHz with bandwidths up to ~10 GHz, traditional swept-tuned measurements from 3 Hz to 110 GHz, and multi-channel demodulation of signals from DC to 110 GHz.
This configuration uses the same source in the traditional configuration but replaces the spectrum analyzer with a high performance oscilloscope for performing up to 4-channel time-aligned phase coherent measurements with frequency and bandwidth coverage up to 110 GHz. The ultra-high 256 GHz sample rate combined with 10-bit vertical resolution enable demodulation fidelity comparable to traditional spectrum analyzers. This configuration enables 4x4 MIMO analysis or phase coherent measurements of devices under test like phased array antenna systems where evaluating performance between individual antenna elements with real-world modulated signals is important in revealing true device performance and characteristics.
Note: this configuration can also be ordered with a traditional spectrum analyzer for performing traditional swept-tuned measurements like in-band and out-of-band spurious emissions.
Extend the capabilities for your 5G 波形產生與分析測試平台,參考解決方案
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