Scienlab Combined Battery Test Solution – Cell Level
The SL1133A Scienlab Combined Battery Test Solution (CBTS) is an innovative, compact, and efficient solution for characterizing and testing battery cells. The space-saving combination of power electronics, test chamber and sophisticatedly developed cell holders not only enables the testing of large quantities of cells in the smallest space but is also flexible in use. Thanks to the adaptable DUT fixtures, different types and sizes of cells can be tested. The defined fixtures accept a range of prismatic cells (and pouch cells using adapters), ensuring accurate measurement results.
In contrast to other systems which connect to cells by external wires, the integration of the electronics and the climate chamber into one system ensures the shortest connection length (lowest impedance) to the devices under test. Furthermore, a central connection point for all media (power, water, nitrogen, compressed air, and data communications) simplifies the installation, reduces maintenance costs, and ensures fast commissioning. To guarantee safe testing, the CBTS employs a safety concept that prevents possible dangers in test laboratories before they occur.
Power electronics
All higher-power Scienlab Battery Test Systems from Keysight have high regeneration capabilities, allowing efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally-friendly operation. Thanks to the bi-directional power supply, more than 90% of the energy is fed back into the AC mains during cell discharge. The system also offers automatic calibration to decrease ongoing service costs. Manual parallel connections of channels increase the maximum current range of the system. You can connect 2x 400 A channels for ±800 A, 3x 300 A channels for ±900 A, or 2x 500 A channels for ±1000 A maximum range when you need to test large cells.
The CBTS is protected against overheating, overcapacity, short circuit and idling. It also has reverse polarity protection and monitors all internal voltages, currents and temperatures. In the case of an emergency shutdown, contacts on the mains ensure that there is no voltage and all internal high voltage sources are automatically discharged.
The SL1132A has strong security for data acquisition and transmission. The Measurement and Control Unit (MCU) is an embedded system providing autonomous program sequence control and measurement data acquisition. This assures that a test will continue running even if communication with the system PC is lost. Communication among the elements of the test system (power electronics, chamber, cooling, system PC) is managed via Ethernet.
Temperature chamber and DUT fixtures
The system offers homogeneous cooling/heating of the devices under test (DUTs) through optimal air flow. The air is guided from the back wall of the test chamber to the front and drawn in at the front part of the test chamber floor.
The DUT fixture is designed to accommodate a wide variety of prismatic cells (and pouch cells using adapters), by adjusting the cell holders without needing to replace the fixture. An easy manual parallel test channel connection is also possible. Thanks to a quick-release technology, set-up times are reduced to a minimum. The defined DUT fixtures and wiring enable precise measurement results.
CBTS safety concept
The primary objective of the safety concept is to protect the operating staff in case of a hazardous situation inside the test chamber. This is achieved by continually monitoring the interior of the chamber using CO and H2 sensors, in order to detect outgassing and incipient thermal events at very early stages. High concentrations and accumulation of slowly leaking gaseous substances is minimized by a continuous flushing of the chamber with compressed air. As soon as hazardous levels are detected by the sensors, N2 flushing will be initiated to remove volatile substances inside the chamber. This procedure reduces the content of oxygen in the test chamber to minimize the likelihood of fire.
The safety concept is also designed to avoid an explosive mixture in the chamber. The lower explosion limit (LEL) of hydrogen in air (4.1% vol) is calculated based on the available volume of the chamber. The available volume of the chamber is calculated by the chamber inner dimensions minus the volume of cells and fixtures.