High-Speed Digitizers


Keysight High-Speed Digitizers Technology Expertise

With its PXIe and AXIe high-speed digitizers, Keysight offers you a reliable partnership for your advanced developments.

Keysight unique technology uses proprietary ICs so you can take the most out of the ADCs and FPGAs integrated into the digitizer. On-board real-time algorithm in the FPGA allows fast detection of signal characteristics in various domains.

We offer an extended range of firmware and application options:

  •  Firmware options: Specific real-time functions speeding-up your overall system response time, such as averager or digital down-conversion.
  •  Application options: Bundle including software and firmware for specific configurations targeting specific requirements, such as streaming & recording.

Moreover, if you need to integrate your own custom real-time IP algorithm, an additional software bundle, the FPGA Development Kit is available.

Keysight high-speed digitizer cards are used as component in several applications, such as:

  •  Aerospace & Defense: Radar and satellite
  •  Physics: Advanced and multichannel experiments
  •  RF Communication: 5G, wideband, MIMO

Whether your application requirements are clear or you are at the earlier stage of your selection, our digitizer specialists are there to help you define the best solution for your applications.

High-Speed Multichannel Data Acquisition Systems

The Keysight AXIe high-speed digitizer provides the ideal solution for advanced experiments in hydrodynamics, plasma fusion, particle physics, and aerospace & defense.

With these modules you can build a large number of synchronous acquisition channels with unprecedented measurement fidelity in the smallest footprint. Advanced IP design, state-of-the-art technology and on-board real-time data processing are combined to achieve outstanding performance.

Build multi-channels data acquisition systems

Large systems can be built by simply populating a chassis with your choice of digitizers.

A selection of configurable companion products is also provided, including signal conditioning, chassis and controllers.

Moreover, the AcqirisMAQS Multichannel Acquisition Software, designed specifically for large scale experiments, enables configuration management as well as visualization of data for hundreds of channels from a single console.