Accessory for the Keysight B2985A/87A Electrometer/High Resistance Meter
If you frequently need to switch between floating and grounded high resistance measurements, repeatedly changing the manual cable connections can be annoying and timeconsuming. The Keysight N1414A High Resistance Measurement Universal Adapter allows you to switch between floating mode and grounded mode with a single button push, eliminating the need to manually change connections. In addition, the N1414A allows you to monitor the sourced voltage using the voltmeter function of the B2985A/87A.
Keysight B2980A Series Femto/Picoammeters & Electrometers/High Resistance Meters
The groundbreaking graphical Picoammeter/Electrometer that can confidently measure down to 0.01 fA and up to 10 PΩ
Refer to the Keysignt.com website for product details, technical overviews and other information. B2980A product page:
Sensitive measurement knowledge portal: www.keysight.com/find/sensitivemeasurement