EasyEXPERT Group+ Characterization software for Precision Current-Voltage Analyzer Series


EasyEXPERT Group+ Characterization Software

for Precision Current-Voltage Analyzer Series


EasyEXPERT group+ Software Accelerates the Characterization Tasks at any Stage in the Process

The EasyEXPERT group+ GUI based characterization software is furnished with the Precision CurrentVoltage Analyzer Series to accelerate the current-voltage characterization (IV characterization). It is available on your PC to support efficient and repeatable characterization across the entire process from measurement setup and execution to analysis and data management and so on, using the graphical intuitive user interface and mouse/keyboard operation. Various powerful features of EasyEXPERT group+ allow you to perform the measurement quickly and acquire the result graphically, dramatically improving the productivity of characterization.

It has become increasingly important to accelerate the IV characterization, because it is necessary to fully understand the electrical behavior of devices and materials. This is true no only for semiconductor devices, but also for other devices such as nano-components, photovoltaic cells, optical devices, organic devices, sensors, passive/active discrete components and automotive devices. There is much on-going research into improving these devices to decrease power consumption and lower costs so as to improve the overall performance of the consumer devices in which the devices ultimately reside.

Application Test Mode Supports the Measurement in Three Easy Steps with Extensive Libraries of Pre-defined Tests

Application test mode provides convenient task oriented point and click test setup and execution with the hundreds of pre-refined test setups (application tests) prepared for the Precision CurrentVoltage Analyzer series. These ready-to-use test setups are preinstalled, enabling you to start making measurements and collecting data quickly without the need for any test development or programming. (Available applications can be adapted to configured resources.)

As shown in the following figure, measurements can be executed in three simple steps. Step one is to select an application test from the furnished libraries by device type and/or desired measurement. Step two is to modify the default measurement parameters as needed. Step three is to execute the measurement by clicking on the “start measurement” button.

In addition to measurement data, since many of the application tests include automatic analysis, you also get calculated and extracted parameters in real time. Once you have set up an application test’s parameters a specific way, you can store it in a “My Favorite Setup” list for quick future execution. Moreover, although the application tests are pre-defined, they can easily be modified and customized using EasyEXPERT’s built-in graphical programming environment. For more information, please refer to the application note Customizing Keysight B1500A EasyEXPERT Application Test.

Classic Test Mode Provides Full Hardware Control by Mouse Point and Click Operation

When you perform measurements other than the ready-to-use applications in the library, the classic test mode provides direct access to the analyzers hardware capabilities. By taking full advantage of windows-based features, you can set the various parameters such as output voltage/current, number of sweep steps, range, and so on for the hardware available features. It has a similar look and feel to the front-panel interface of the 4155/56 parameter analyzer that has been the de-facto standard analyzer for a long time.

In addition, the classic test mode supports test migration from the 4155/56 (B and C models). Using the furnished setup file converter, you can convert 4155/56 setup files (MES or DAT extensions) into the classic mode test setups. This permits 4155/56 users to take advantage of existing test setups without having to create new ones. It also eliminates the 4155/56’s tedious floppy disk based file storage.