Configuration Guides
Keysight E7515A
UXM Wireless Test Set
Make a Clear Call
The team looks to you: will a new chipset or UE pass the crucial tests? Clarity comes from accumulated insights — insights enabled by the Keysight Technologies, Inc. UXM wireless test set. The UXM is a highly integrated signaling test set created for functional and RF design validation in the 4.5G era and beyond. It provides the capabilities you need to test the newest designs, delivering LTE-Advanced Pro data rates up to 1 Gbps now and handling more complex requirements later. When the team counts on you, count on the UXM to help you make a clear call.
This configuration guide contains a step-by-step process to help you configure your E7515A UXM wireless test set with hardware, software, accessories, and services to meet your specific test requirements, or to upgrade your existing UXM.
1.0 Select UXM Wireless Test Set Platform Options
Configure the E7515A UXM wireless test set with functionality for your application requirements. Each platform option applies to both TRX sets and to all formats licensed in the UXM.
1.1 Choose the operating frequency range
1.2 Choose between single transceiver (TRX) set and dual transceiver set
Single TRX set is included as standard.
To enable two independent cells or carriers (for Carrier Aggregation), add a second TRX set.
1.3 Channel emulation
E7515A-C01 enables fading . E7515A-C02 adds support for SCME fading profiles and additional capabilities in support of Radiated Two Stage (RTS) MIMO OTA.
1.4 Dual IP device test
Two-phone parallel RF test is included in the base TAs. However, for two IP connections in a single UXM (e.g. for end-to-end VoLTE connections or dual SIM test), an E7515A-D01 license is required (in addition to the E75xxA-FFP-0P1 IP data license(s)).
1.5 Protocol logging
Enables protocol information to be sent to a standalone logging application. A single E7515A-L01 license on any unit (main or auxiliary) in a UXM array enables logging of all test sets, cells, and formats in the array.
1.6 Internal applications server
Add an embedded PC board into one of the UXM’s rear expansion slots, e.g. to host an IMS-SIP server/client application.
1.0 Select UXM Wireless Test Set Features (Continued)
1.7 Accessories and documentation
The following are included as standard.
The following is optional.
1.8 Calibration and startup assistance
1.8.1 Calibration
The recommended calibration cycle is one year.
1.8.2 Startup and productivity assistance
1.0 Select UXM Wireless Test Set Features (Continued)
1.9 UXM wireless test set upgrades
1.9.1 User-installable upgrade kits
1.9.2 Return-to-Keysight upgrades
2.0 Select UXM Test Application Software
Choose one or more test application (TA) base options and additional feature options as desired. The base TA options include the key functionality required for RF design validation, including flexible receiver test and trusted X-Series transmitter measurement science. To add more capabilities such as multiple component carriers or advanced MIMO techniques, or functional test features including IP data and handovers, choose the appropriate feature option(s).
The “fixed” licenses shown below are tied to a specific UXM host instrument. “Transportable” licenses are also offered and allow licenses to be moved between different UXMs. For transportable licensing simply substitute -*TP instead of -*FP in the license part number. The license(s) provided by the transportable products are identical in appearance to their fixed equivalents in the Keysight License Manager (KLM)1 except the “Type” is “Transportable”.