U5340A FPGA Development Kit for High-Speed Digitizers


Helping You Achieve Greater Performance

The FPGA Development Kit is a complete environment for the design, verification and implementation of real-time, user-defined signal-processing algorithms. This software bundle is intended to eliminate all prerequisite design tool flow configuration, effectively reducing up-front investment and minimizing risks.

The FPGA Development Kit combines capabilities to:

Achieve multi GS/s real-time processing on a full digitizer framework by leveraging the full density and speed of the FPGA

Shorten your time-to-market with turn-key, easy-to-use development flow and debug

Key features

The Keysight U5340A FPGA Development Kit:

Allows you to integrate your advanced real-time signal processing algorithm within Keysight high-speed digitizers

Addresses the critical need for repeatable, predictable, and efficient firmware design flow coupled with unprecedented hardware capability

Allows a direct interface to digitizer hardware elements such as the analog-to-digital converter (ADC), memory resources (DDR3) and host interface (PCIe)

Create custom real-time processing

With the FPGA Development Kit, you can configure the custom real-time processing area of the FPGA that resides within the Keysight high-speed digitizer. Keysight IP cores that surround the processing area let you access the full power of the digitizer, while maintaining unmatched analog data conversion capabilities.

Focus on solutions

To help you focus on solution creation and quickly turn ideas into designs, the FPGA Development Kit includes:

Set of intellectual property (IP) cores

Library of building blocks, ranging from basic gates to dual-port RAM memories

Variety of ready-to-use scripts, handling all aspects of the build flow

Get everything you need

The FPGA Development Kit runs on a Windows host computer, interacts with two embedded engines and communicates with the FPGA in the digitizer module. The embedded Mentor Graphics engine supports design, synthesis, simulation and validation of your algorithms. The embedded Xilinx engine fits your design into the FPGA, and it also provides debug and in-FPGA logic analyzer capabilities.

Enhance your design efficiency

Additional elements built into the FPGA Development Kit further reduce development time and help improve your overall design efficiency when compared to a standard FPGA design flow.

We provide an integrated and automated environment with predefined capabilities, enabling you to reach the levels of performance needed to implement your real-time processing functions.

The Keysight high-speed digitizer R&D team makes use of these same capabilities to create the firmware built into many of our products.

Leverage our proven environment

All of these capabilities have been developed, tested and debugged by Keysight, and are being used within off-the-shelf PCIe© based products. You too can achieve the same level of functionality using the FPGA Development Kit, and accelerate your development work as you implement your own algorithms.

Start faster with a design template

By using the Get Started design example, you can build your first design in just a few hours. The firmware design example provided with the FPGA Development Kit exercises most of the user-accessible interfaces while providing simple real-time processing of sampled data, including a FIR filter. Real-time processed data and raw data from one of the available channels are stored in the on-board memories for later read-out by the host computer.

Providing the Resources You Need to Succeed

Keysight U5340A FPGA Development Kit

The FPGA Development Kit ensures fast and efficient creation of advanced algorithms with a framework that includes:

-Script-based development environment

-IP cores database and a library of predefined components

-Functional partitioning with locked floor planning

-Get Started example design

-Embedded calibration digitizer

-Integrated debug facilities

-Specific software API


All these elements are empowered by our automated flow using state-of-the-art tools from Mentor Graphics and Xilinx.

Script-based development environment

Scripts optimize and accelerate the development process by automating each step of design and verification.

The simple command syntax lets you implement your al­gorithms using the FPGA cores database. We also provide functional simulation models for all of the interfaces.

IP cores database

A complete IP core database compliant with the AMBA AXI4 standard is provided. The FPGA Development Kit also allows smooth integration of third party IP cores such as the function-rich Xilinx Logicore IP libraries.

Functional partitioning and floor planning

The Keysight IP cores which interface to the underlying hardware are functionally partitioned in an area optimized floor-plan. These cores are provided as pre-synthesized netlists with area-locked constraints (physical placement). Together, these techniques improve overall runtime and enhance repeatability of results.

Get Started example design

The FPGA Development Kit also includes a fully operational example that is aimed to be used as a design tutorial. The example provides all the material needed to generate the target bitfile. In addition, it also contains a tutorial on how to download the bitfile, and a Get Started program on how to operate with real hardware.

Embedded calibration digitizer

Complete calibration capabilities are embedded into each design ensuring the unmatched analog performance of Keysight digitizers when used with end-user firmware.

Integrated debug facilities

The Xilinx ChipScope Pro Analyzer can be easily integrated into the firmware design, allowing you to view any internal signal or node. Signals are captured at the speed of operation and brought out through the JTAG debug interface. Captured signals are displayed and analyzed using the ChipScope Pro Analyzer tool. A simple micro USB cable is all that’s needed to gain access to the debug interface.

Specific software API

A full set of direct and indirect I/O functions provides complete and detailed control of your design. In addition to this low-level access, a high-level API allows simple and protected user access to a set of common board-control functions.

This simple API has three key advantages:

Reduces the need for detailed hardware knowledge of the common control functions (e.g., register mapping, control state machines)

Enables fast and easy integration of custom processing

Avoids erroneous operation by protecting against prohibited actions