Viewing Graphical Results on a DMM Display


Digital multimeters (DMMs) measure and display various parameters such as voltage, current, resistance, and temperature in an easy-to-read number format. However, you may need more than a single reading to display. The meaningful information lies in the trend or statistics of a series of readings. If your DMM offers connectivity, such as LAN or USB ports, you can transfer your readings to a computer for computation and display. However, transferring data to a PC may take more time than you want to spend.


Now, Keysight’s Truevolt Series DMMs (34460A, 34461A, 34465A, 34470A) give you insight into your measurement data without transferring your data to a PC. The Truevolt Series feature a large graphical display and built-in math functions that display measurement trends, statistics, and histograms — all in a single, compact unit.