Data Sheet
Imagine Your Counter Doing More!
Frequency counters are depended on in R&D and in manufacturing for the fastest, most accurate frequency and time interval measurements.
The 53200 Series of RF and universal frequency counter/timers expands on this expectation to provide you with the most information, connectivity and new measurement capabilities, while building on the speed and accuracy you’ve depended on with Keysight Technologies, Inc. time and frequency measurement expertise.
Three available models offer resolution capabilities up to 12 digits/sec frequency resolution on a one second gate. Single-shot time interval measurements can be resolved down to 20 psec. All models offer new built-in analysis and graphing capabilities to maximize the insight and information you receive.
More bandwidth
- 350 MHz baseband frequency
- 6 or 15 GHz optional microwave channels
More resolution & speed
- 12 digits/sec
- 20 ps single-shot time resolution
- Up to 75,000 and 90,000 readings/sec (frequency and time interval)
More insight
- Datalog trend plot
- Cumulative histogram
- Built-in math analysis and statistics
- 1M reading memory and USB Flash storage
More connectivity
- LXI-C/Ethernet LAN, USB, GPIB
- Optional battery for unstable AC power or timebase accuracy
More measurement capability (53230A only)
- Continuous gap-free measurements
- Basic measurement and timestamps for modulation domain analysis (MDA)
- Pulse/burst microwave measurement
Keysight BenchVue Software (Now Included)
Keysight BenchVue software for the PC makes it simple to connect, control instruments, and automate test sequences so you can quickly move past the test development phase and access results faster with just a few clicks.
The Universal Counter Control & Automation App within BenchVue is now included with your instrument purchase.
- Access the most commonly used universal counter controls using an intuitive interface.
- Quickly display single measurements, charts, tables, or histograms from a single instrument or multiple counters simultaneously to correlate trends you might otherwise miss
- Conveniently log and export data in only few clicks to popular tools, such as MATLAB and Microsoft Excel or Word for documentation or further analysis
- Rapidly develop custom test procedures or sequences with Test Flow
- Deeper instrument controls with Command Expert integration
- KeysightCare software support subscription included
- License included with new instrument purchase
Accuracy Specifications
Random Uncertainty
The RSS of all random or Type-A measurement errors expressed as the total RMS or 1-σ measurement uncertainty. Random uncertainty will reduce as 1/√N when averaging N measurement results for up to a maximum of approximately 13-digits or 100 fs.
Systematic Uncertainty
The 95% confidence residual constant or Type-B measurement uncertainty relative to an external calibration reference. Generally, systematic uncertainties can be minimized or removed for a fixed instrument setup by performing relative measurements to eliminate the systematic components.
Timebase Uncertainty
The 95% confidence systematic uncertainty contribution from the selected timebase reference. Use the appropriate uncertainty for the installed timebase or when using an external frequency reference substitute, the specified uncertainty for your external frequency reference.