Electronic Manufacturing Test Cooperative Support Service for Self-Maintainers



The Keysight Technologies, Inc.Electronic Manufacturing Test (EMT) Cooperative Support Service for Self-Maintainers is subject to the Keysight Terms and Conditions for Automated Test Systems as well as the Keysight Terms and Conditions of Sale and Service (e.g., Exhibit S0015).By purchasing EMT Cooperative Support Service for Self-Maintainers, you, the Keysight customer, also referred to in this document as the self-maintainer, agree to comply with the terms and conditions set forth in these documents

This user’s guide has been prepared for customers who participate in EMT Cooperative Support Service for Self-Maintainers.It contains only a portion of the information set forth in the terms and conditions documents specified above. The guide focuses primarily on information necessary for participants to effectively utilize the service, and it describes how participants in the service interact with Keysight Technologies.

Prerequisites and Eligibility Requirements

The prerequisites and eligibility requirements for participation in EMT Cooperative Support Service for Self-Maintainers remain consistent over the life of the contract and are described briefly in the following sections. For complete details please refer to the appropriate sections of the Keysight Terms and Conditions of Sale and Service.

  • Prequalification by a Keysight support representative
  • Trained individuals
  • Owned or leased equipment
  • Uniform coverage
  • Software support at current revision levels
  • Spare parts kit
  • Diagnostic support tools and documentation updates
  • Access to electronic support for delivery of service notes
  • Software operating system and application support
  • Keysight technical assistance via phone or remote support via “Secure Remote Access”

Prequalification by a Keysight Support Representative

Participants must be prequalified by a Keysight support representative.

Trained individuals

The availability of at least two Keysight-trained customer service engineers per shift is required for participation in the self-maintenance service level.Keysight offers the required training in the form of formal lecture/lab courses, self-paced courses, and mentored self-paced courses as appropriate.(Consult your Keysight support represen­tative for more details on the availability of any required training.) Maintenance training requirements are as follows:

You must purchase the training courses that are required for its engineers and ser­vice engineers.You are responsible for the course fees, transportation, housing, and living expenses of the attendees.A minimum of two students must participate in the training program.

Keysight will specify the format of the courses offered.The locations and times will be by mutual agreement between Keysight and you.

Keysight will work with you to plan the training curriculum.Keysight will supply all applicable manuals and handbooks for classes and system maintenance use.

Students should have a BSEE/BSET degree or equivalent and be fluent in English. You are responsible for ensuring that students attend all the applicable classes.

For some classroom training courses, if the attendee’s existing level of expertise is unclear, that individual will be required to complete a pretest to assist Keysight in determining the level of expertise and required training.

Each individual who participates in the training program must be able to demon­strate an acceptable level of proficiency prior to the initiation of self-maintenance.

Owned or leased equipment

You must own or lease and have physical control of the selected systems that you plan to maintain at your facilities.

Uniform coverage

Coverage on all systems of the same type at the same location (department or site, whichever is relevant) must be covered by this self-maintenance level of service, or a higher level of service.

Software support revision levels

All software and hardware products must be maintained at supported revision levels.

Spare parts kit

You must obtain a spare parts kit sufficient to address your unique situation and response time requirements.Stocking levels should take into consideration the number and types of systems, geography, other logistic considerations, and your uptime requirements.Spare parts are obtained separately from Keysight.Parts replenishment is described later in this user’s guide.

You should develop a contingency plan in the event that the failed part is not part of the current spare parts kit.Keysight cannot guarantee that all system parts will be readily available.Please review this plan with your Keysight support representative to ensure that you are able to provide maximum system uptime and reliability.

Diagnostic support tools and documentation updates

You must purchase from Keysight all available diagnostic support tools and updates.You will provide a controller/workstation as necessary for specific systems.

Software operation and application support

You must purchase Keysight software operating and application support for each system that applies to this service contract.