Pulsed-IV parametric testing is becoming an increasingly common requirement for the development of semiconductor process and the evaluation of semiconductor devices. In recent years, the need for very accurate pulsed IV measurement has increased due to the development of more advanced processes utilizing exotic materials, the push for devices with lower power consumption, and many other factors.
To meet these needs Keysight Technologies, Inc. offers a variety of pulsed-IV parametric test solutions that supply the widest range of pulse widths, voltage/current output, and performance available in the industry. Each solution is well-proven and has already been used by many researchers worldwide to meet various advanced measurement needs. These range from the process development of cutting-edge technologies utilizing high-k gate dielectrics and SOI transistors to the evaluation of more conventional semiconductor process such as GaAs and HEMT or new materials such as SiC, GaN or Organic devices which require both high voltage and high current measurement capabilities.
This selection guide provides an overview and side-by-side comparison of all of Keysight’s pulsed-IV parametric test solutions to enable you to determine the best solution to meet your unique needs.
Selecting the Best Solution to Meet Your Measurement Needs
This selection guide is designed to assist you in comparing Keysight’s pulsed-IV measurement solutions and selecting the best one for your measurement applications. By following the steps outlined below you should be able to determine the proper measurement solution to meet your needs.
1. For each of the pulsed-IV specifications listed below, determine your measurement requirements. Note: Make sure that you understand that some solutions only work for specific device types and configurations.
2. Determine which solution or solutions meet your pulse width requirements, taking into account your future needs as well.
3. If more than one solution meets your pulse width requirements, then choose among these solutions using the other measurement parameters (current measurement resolution, current/voltage output capability, etc.). Please keep in mind that there may be some trade-offs among these various parameters (such as accuracy versus voltage/current output capability).
4. Once you have decided upon a solution re-verify all of the specifications of that solution to make sure that it meets the measurement needs of your applications and devices.
5. Software is also key factor to control measurement equipment or to synchronize two or more equipment on the Pulsed IV measurement. In some cases, the calculation is required to evaluate current from voltage. Keysight supplies a library of application tests for performing pulsed IV measurement on the EasyEXPERT software.
6. To succeed in making high speed pulsed IV measurement you need more than just the correct measurement instrumentation; you also need to put sufficient forethought into the creation of the test structures that will be used to make the measurement. Attempts to make fast pulsed measurements with conventional DC test structures using DC positioners are in general unlikely to yield good measurement results. In general, fast pulsed measurements require test structures designed for a ground-signal (GS) or ground- signal-ground (GSG) measurement environment and RF positioners. The following figure illustrates this point.
The Keysight B1530A WGFMU is a plug-in module for the B1500A semiconductor device analyzer that provides a 100 nanosecond pulsed IV parametric test solution with 1 nA current measurement resolution. The module supports a pulse width range from 100 nsec to 10 sec, and it is the best choice for the precise evaluation of advanced MOSFETs and nano-scale devices such as carbon nanotube (CNT) transistors.
The WGFMU’s powerful capabilities, such as a 5 ns sampling interval with 1 nA measurement resolution, cover applications that require both fast and precise measurements.
Each WGFMU module has two channels, so only one module is necessary for three-terminal device evaluation. This solution does not require any other external equipment, complex cabling or custom circuitry. The WGFMU provides a true one-box pulsed IV measurement solution.
Target device:
Advanced semiconductor device, such as those fabricated in sub-45 nm processes
Advanced nanotechnology device, such as CNT FETs, and carbon nanowire devices
Organic based electronic devices
Single electron transistor (SET) devices
B1500A Now Supported in Windows 10
B1500A PC platform has been renewed. It includes Windows 10 OS, faster CPU, 8 GB of memory and a solid state drive (SSD). The latest PC platform enables you to perform your software tasks easily while improving your total computing performance. Windows 10 upgrade option is also available.