Are You Ready to Migrate to the Platform that Solves Your Toughest Test Challenges?
Advanced measurement challenges require new solutions
Semiconductor manufacturing processes and new process technologies have created difficult challenges for production parametric test systems
The Keysight 4080 Series overcomes difficult process test challenges
Keysight Technologies, Inc. solutions represent a revolutionary improvement in production parametric testing The 4080 Series is designed to meet the measurement challenges presented by both current and cutting-edge semiconductor technologies. The 4082A combines digital architecture improvements and an ultra-fast CPU with synchronous and asynchronous parallel test capabilities. This improves the throughput of both conventional and advanced processes. The 4082F supports new high-voltage semiconductor pulse generator (HV-SPGU) modules with pulsing capabilities, which are optimized for the characterization of state-of-the-art flash memory cell technologies. The 4082A’s and 4082F’s revolutionary test capabilities provide benefits for both current and advanced production parametric test. For customers who have RF device testing needs, the 4083A offers PNA support for RF S-parameter measurement with an optional 8 x 10 RF matrix. This provides unprecedented DC and RF test capability for both development and production parametric test.
Innovative design increases speed and reduces costs
Architecture improvements boost measurement throughput
The 4080 Series employs cutting-edge architecture (including an ultra-fast CPU) that can yield speed improvements of up to 10 to 20 percent on test plans transferred from the Keysight 4070 Series of testers. This provides an immediate boost to measurement throughput without having to make any fundamental changes to the measurement methodology or to the test code being executed. You can expand the test capacity of existing wafer fabs with the 4080 Series and realize lower cost-of-test without having to change any of your SPECS or SPECS-FA test plans.
Core platform provides powerful measurement capabilities
The Keysight 4080 Series covers a wide range of parametric test needs
The 4080 Series offers a wide range of measurement capabilities required for fundamental parametric test. For example, you can easily perform DC and capacitance measurements such as Vth, Ids, Idoff, and Cox, to name just a few. The 4080 Series supports three types of SMUs for DC measurement. In addition, the 4080 Series supports an HSCMU module with 1 kHz to 2 MHz capacitance measurement capability. Several other instrument options, such as a digital volt meter (DVM), a spectrum analyzer and an external LCR meter, provide enhanced measurement capabilities. The DVM measurement resolution of 0.1 μV is helpful in evaluating low-voltage applications such as Cu metal resistance, which is critical for determining RC delays. The spectrum analyzer supports automated ring oscillator measurement in conjunction with an optional high-frequency (HF) matrix.
Advanced technology provides unmatched low-level measurement performance
All 4080 Series testers support two types of DC switching matrix cards: a standard lowcurrent version and an ultra low-current version. Measurement resolution of 10 fA and 2 μV is achieved by using MPSMUs and the standard DC matrix card. The ultra low-current DC matrix card, which is based on Keysight’s proprietary Cool Guard relay technology, enables measurement resolution down to 1 fA (using the HRSMUs) and 0.1 μV (using the supported DVM). In addition, dielectric absorption, noise floor and settling time are all reduced, resulting in increased throughput. This ultra low-current measurement capability is essential for many leading-edge process technologies when evaluating important parameters such as inter-metal leakage and memory cell leakage currents.
Advanced asynchronous and synchronous parallel test technology
Virtual multiple testhead technology dramatically improves measurement throughput
All 4080 Series testers feature powerful virtual multiple testhead technology that enables asynchronous test. This ground-breaking technology allows separate measurement tasks to run independently. Unlike conventional parallel test schemes, no measurement time is ever wasted. As soon as one set of resources finishes making a measurement it can immediately start the next measurement. The net effect is like having independent multiple testheads in a single tester, which greatly increases measurement throughput.
Synchronously measure up to eight devices
In addition to supporting asynchronous parallel measurement, 4080 Series testers also support ultra-fast synchronous parallel measurement. With the 4080 Series, you can use all of the installed SMUs (up to eight) to make simultaneous synchronous measurements. Synchronous parallel measurement is an extremely efficient measurement technique when measuring a small array of devices (such as a group of resistors or transistors), where each device under test (DUT) requires only a single SMU.
Parallel test capabilities lower cost-of-test
Keysight’s asynchronous and synchronous parallel test capabilities can reduce test times by 50 percent or more over conventional serial techniques. The net result is dramatically improved throughput and lower cost-of-test.