Keysight in Digital and Photonic Test
The technical world is changing faster than ever before. Big data analytics and machine learning technology provide new insights into processes and optimization in all industries. Tremendous search capability in text, voice, images and video is opening new facets in our private lives. Businesses get access to unlimited computing, video streaming and server power in the cloud at moderate cost, helping to speed returns. This all is made possible through a huge communication network based on hyperscale data centers, long-distance and metro transport networks, but also a more and more refined wireline and wireless access network. The underlying technology is based on:
In the meantime, the brightest engineers are preparing the ground for 2020, when we expect billions of IoT devices (Internet of Things), Industry 4.0, autonomous cars, personal robots and assistants. This further challenges the network and needs creative thinking and smart solutions. Engineers need a partner in test and measurement who can accompany each step in tackling these upcoming challenges. Keysight is your T&M partner, offering solutions along the entire value chain, from component development to network equipment, of the communication network, addressing the latest technologies like silicon photonics, 400G PAM4 and coherent transmission. Keysight supports your needs in research and development with high speed digital solutions for transmitter and receiver testing, but also for design and cost-effective manufacturing of quality optical components and modules.
Let me emphasize five product and solution innovations, which might be of interest to you.
N1076B/78A Clock Recovery up to 64 GBaud
Accurate clock recovery solutions for high-speed applications up to 64 GBaud supporting NRZ and PAM4 signals.
M8040A 64 Gbaud High-Performance BERT
The Keysight M8040A is a highly integrated BERT for physical layer characterization and compliance testing. It supports PAM-4 and NRZ signals and data rates up to 64 Gbaud covering all flavors of 200 and 400 GbE standards. The M8040A BERT offers true error analysis and provides repeatable and accurate results, optimizing the performance margins of your devices.
N109X DCA-M Optical/Electrical Sampling Oscilloscopes
For years engineers have trusted the DCA to provide accurate and easy measurement of digital communication waveforms. The Keysight N109X DCA-M family has built on that legacy by using the high-performance elements of both the 86100 oscilloscope mainframe acquisition system and the optical and electrical channel hardware of the 861XX plug-in modules. The N1090A supports 1 to 10 Gb/s measurements, while the N1092A and N1094A are for use from 26 to 53 Gbd.
M8290A Optical Modulation Analyzer and High-speed Digitizer Test Solution
The M8290A is a flexible solution platform for 400G coherent devices and transmitter test. It incorporates a 92 GSa/s modular optical modulation analyzer and a 92 GSa/s 4-channel electrical digitizer. Besides these modules an additional arbitrary waveform generator module up to 92 GSa/s, such as the M8196A, can be added to the same AXIe chassis.
The Digital Interconnect Test System PLTS 2018
The Digital Interconnect Test System PLTS 2018 is based on a VNA or TDR and has advanced signal integrity features for analyzing cables, connectors, PCBs and backplanes. Multidomain analysis allows time, frequency, PAM-4 eye diagrams, RLCG, pre-emphasis, equalization, and channel operating margin figures of merit. A user friendly interface provides complex measurements with simple wizards including automatic fixture removal.
81606A Tunable Laser Source
The new 81606A is the top of our tunable laser family, with a new level of performance for rapid wavelength dependent measurements.
For results in practice, this brings:
Key Performance Features
A new cavity design makes it possible
The 81606A is built around a new cavity design for improved spectral purity: lower SSE, lower SMSR at higher output power. The drive unit has been redesigned for better acceleration and sweep linearity which makes it the ideal actor for the laser’s closed-loop tuning control.
The multi-axis dynamic control during sweeps and the resulting wavelength accuracy, and power and mode stability are supported by a new high-bandwidth wavelength monitor including a gas-cell reference. The mechanical drive is also further developed for high speed sweep control, fast acceleration and qualified for long life.
A new laser module design
The redesigned laser module contains a new, higher-output gain chip and a novel beam splitter for lower SSE. A monitor provides additional feedback for the active tuning control loop.