IV and CV Measurement Using the B1500A MFCMU and SCUU


B1500A semiconductor device analyzer

Parametric characterization requires both current-voltage (IV) and capacitance-voltage (CV) measurements. Recent developments in process technology typically require accurate IV and CV measurements be made with a single pass of the devices on the wafer. The Keysight Technologies, Inc. B1500A Semiconductor Device Analyzer supports singlepass IV and CV measurements within the same mainframe using a new, single-slot multifrequency capacitance measurement unit (MFCMU) and two SMUs.

Performing both IV and CV measurements on a single probe station is not easy. SMU-based IV measurements use triaxial connectors, while CMU-based CV measurements use BNC connectors. Switching between these two measurements can be confusing and time-consuming and can often cause measurement errors. An example would be where the measurement cables are manually switched, while keeping the probing needle on the wafer. In this case, the electrical charge generated by friction when the cables are switched may damage the device. In addition to cable connection issues, an error compensation parameter associated with the capacitance measurements must be set correctly in order to obtain accurate results.